Karin Steinberger

About me

Languages have fascinated me since I was a child. A foreign word was a puzzle piece which wanted to fall in place. What language was it? Where would I find the country on the map? What culture did it imply? In the before-the-Internet days research happened with books and newspapers, so I started to fill my book shelves and became well-informed about the world. My mind turned global and I knew I could not go back to just my own language and country. The decision was an easy one: I would study languages and use them professionally. Since each language comes with its specific culture, I made sure to familiarize with both by living and studying in foreign countries, in my case the USA and Italy.
I learned my profession at the Würzburger Dolmetscherschule and at West Chester State University (Pennsylvania, USA). During my employment at Siemens in Nuremberg I was additionally trained as a technical writer and assigned to the Boston subsidiary where I worked in the tech writing department. My expertise in generating documentation in different languages or to translate and optimize what already existed soon became a passion and I decided to dive into self-employment. My business was successful from the start and I have long since become a trusted partner of many well-known and globally acting corporations.

Now it is no longer just me. Now we are a team of over 50 highly motivated and qualified translators and technical writers with many years of experience in foreign as well as domestic industries. My co-workers live in their home countries but Internet has long done away with borders and limited working hours. You can reach us around the clock including weekends.

We develop our skills on a regular basis (SDL workshops, tekom workshops, technical literature, visits at the customer and familiarization with their machines and services). Be assured that we provide both perfect language skills, technical expertise and the necessary cultural backgrounds.